"⠀Greetings, can you hear me?

I wish to know your words, share your feelings, know your thoughts.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Do you wish to continue despite your suffering?
Do you wish to learn the story of Minya Kanza, despite Her suffering?


LAST UPDATED: Dec 24th, 2023


Minya Kanza

AGE: 31
PRONOUNS: She / Her / Herself
RACE: Highlander, Hyur
HEIGHT: 6'0"
BIRTHDAY: 2nd Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
( November 2nd )
GUARDIAN: Llymlaen, the Navigator
BIRTH PLACE: Lower La Noscea
( Red Rooster Stead )
GRAND COMPANY: The Maelstrom
FREE COMPANY: The Sandsea's Revenge
MAIN JOB: Warrior
CANON SUB JOBS: Monk & Machinist
( Was a Gunbreaker, but has retired )
This WoL ships with an NPC and a WoL. NPC shipping is for my own personal enjoyment and is separate from my FC lore.

PERSONALITYLoud, brash, cocky, empathetic, friendly, hot headed, sarcastic, stubborn, loyal, passionate, valiant, emotionally driven, confident, determined, extroverted.

EARLY LIFEMinya Kanza was born at Red Rooter Stead in Lower La Noscea to her highlander parents Sinopa and Kuruk Kanza. A few short weeks after giving birth, Sinopa passes away; Minya remembers nothing about her. All her life her father had raised her, he taught her how to ride chocobos, harvest crops, and how to use an axe. Around the age of 12 Kuruk would allow Minya to venture by herself to Moraby Drydocks and Limsa Lominsa to sell their goods or trade them at the shops there. On their spare time, Kuruk taught Minya how to wield an axe, he was impressed by her naturally aggressive nature and strong will to continue fighting despite fatigue; Kuruk knew she would do well defending herself in the future.

Around the age of 13 Minya’s father remarried to a woman named Fasha who had a daughter named Rand from a previous marriage. Though extremely shy at first, Minya and Rand became instant best friends and soon loved each other as true sisters would; their bond became intense yet natural than either of their parents expected.During the Seventh Umbral calamity, Minya (19) and her family sought refuge within Limsa Lominsa for safety. Their farm could not protect them as much as a city could.

A REALM REBORN ( 24 — 25 )

Years passed, and Minya ( age 24 ), had come to find out that her sister had left one cold rainy night; no word or note to her family. Devastated and craving the company of her sister, Minya vowed to find Rand and bring her home, her father wished her luck and gave her his very own axe. He told her to head for Limsa Lominsa to train with the Marauders there... and that’s exactly what she did.Becoming a Marauder was as easy as breathing for Minya, she rose with ease in the ranks, both with the Maelstrom and Marauders guild. The rumors of Minya’s unbelievable raw power and unwavering determination reached the ear of the Admiral herself, Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn. Witnessing Minya's devotion to her city— and becoming impressed with her exceptional skills— Merlwyb personally sought her out, promoting Minya the rank of Storm Captain after two years or so of outstanding ranking. Once her training was over and Minya advanced to a Warrior, she became the well known “Mythril Heart of Eorzea”.From A Realm Reborn to the beginning of Shadowbringers, Minya developed a romantic relationship with Merlwyb, this relationship eventually ended in equal agreement before Minya ventured to the First, unsure how long Minya would be gone for… or if she would even return.

HEAVENSWARD ( 25 — 26 )

Rumors accumulate and whispers of a blue haired woman fleeing Ul’Dah after a dinner gone wrong sent Minya flying for the trail. At the end of it, she found herself at the gates of Ishgard, along with her sister and a new companion at her side, an Au’ra named Callidora. Minya then learns that Rand is the famed Warrior of Light, a title that has graced her ears many times over.Making a new promise to her sister never to leave her side, Minya nullifies the old— and instead— becomes part of Rand’s small party.Learning that the Warrior of Light was branded a murderer for the death of the Sultana drove Minya to the brink of pure anger and determination to help prove her sister’s innocence. With this raw emotion corrupting every thought she had, the group’s journey lead them to the Dravarian Forelands.Resting at the Aetheryte in Tailfeather, Minya takes it upon herself to venture around the grounds surrounding the settlement. The sky begins to turn a deep glowing green and the air itself sparkles with flicks of iridescent emerald lights, but the beauty and wonder of it all does not distract Minya from her enraged, determined feelings.

Her walk takes her towards the Chocobo forest— and there— she spots something completely abnormal— a pride of coeurls prowling towards Tailfeather. Just before pivoting to retreat back, Minya is tethered by what felt like, hot metal chains— but these were no mere chains— they were whiskers of the great Coeurlregina. It had grabbed her from feeling such a familiar presence with in her, wanting to merge with this essence and become one again.As she was lifted into the air to face the glowing green beast head on, Minya attempts to squirm and escape; the strong desire to fight on ever present, the pure rage that burned like a fire inside her, all a catalyst for Coeurlregina’s own desire… to continue living.The sky now bled red— and so too— did the great coeurl, her whiskers that held Minya captive began to glow and burn the Hyur from the inside. Her screams of pain echoing through the forest, her body shivering, wanting so desperately to give up, the pain was just too much. But Minya prevailed and she was dropped to the ground from on high."Greetings, determined soul, can you hear me?”A growling, feminine voice echoed inside Minya’s head, at first it burned like a searing migraine but soon felt… oddly natural, familiar; almost as if she was whole again."Never lose your fire, never lose your desire to carry on— and most importantly— do now allow yourself to be without hope. For this is the only way… we can live on. You must learn for yourself what that means… and you must learn on your own about the piece of us I have returned unto you."Unsure of what just happened, Minya was able to bring herself to her feet— the only difference about her was that her nails were now claws and her canine teeth morphed into small sharp fangs. From that day on Minya possessed the traits and abilities of Coeurlregina, but where Coeurlregina inherited them from… were unknown.Afterwords, the canon events of Heavensward transpire.

STORMBLOOD ( 26 — 27 )

A storm of blood washes over us. Knowing her journey would take her to Ala Mhigo, Minya returnes to Red Rooster Stead to ask her father more about their family lineage. Kuruk began to tell his daughter about the Kanza’s and where they came from, but what he also told Minya was that her mother came from Ala Mhigo as well. Knowing Sinopa's past was complicated, Kuruk opted to give out the names of Sinopa's family members that still resided in the city there, but Minya asked for more. Apologizing to his daughter, Kuruk explains the difficulties of communicating to Ala Mhigo, he knows little to nothing about the Damji family now a days.Unsatisfied and rightfully curious, Minya felt as if there was so much more to be discovered about her mother and her lineage. By day break she set out for answers and heads for Baelsar's Wall.Though before she crossed the breached wall, Rand came to her side. It was then that Rand let her title down, needing to walk on her own before she could walk for the people again. Rand bestows the title to Minya, trusting her with the deed and all that it comes with; she accepts. From this point on, Minya becomes the Warrior of Light.With everything that follows canonly, Minya soon discovers her relations to Fordola rem Lupis. On one hand Minya wishes to save her from her Imperial oppressors— yet for Fordola— she wishes to kill Minya with her bare hands for personal resentment.
( More about Fordola and Minya’s family, check out the FAMILY TREE page. )
With matters in the East rising, Minya is introduced to an interesting and alluring Samurai, a Raen Au'ra by the name of Kai Zenshin. He is well aware of who she is and what she is here for. Kai then personally requests Minya's help in liberating Doma, a place he calls home... and one he is to rule over. With confusion in her tone, Minya inquires about his true title, Kai is able to explain his half blooded relations to Lord Hien and his rightful place on the Doman throne. With her loyalties aligned with Kai, she agrees to help him take back his home.After the events of Stormblood, Minya's respect for Kai sky rockets, he easily becomes a man she well admires, looks up to, trusts with her life and cherishes with all her heart; there is not a thing Minya would not do for HER Emperor of Doma, the one she has protected, defended and fought for all this time.

A voice calls to Minya, Throw wide the gates, it repeats. Though the origin of the voice is unknown to her, Minya soon realizes that this voice is the reason for the Scion’s disappearance. Angered at the voice, Minya finally comes into contact with the one who calls to her, speaking in riddles she cannot put together.After dealing with certain matters in Gridania, Minya weaves her way through a crowd— suddenly— the family gem upon Minya’s forehead is stolen by an unknown figure. Chasing the Miqo'te throughout the Roost, Minya finally pins the thief in the lower level of the airship landing.He yields with his hands up in the air, though his concerns for being caught seem to be set low; he introduces himself as Finnick Orlandeau, a sky pirate. Teasing Minya with her jewel, Finnick is able to persuade her to listen— and when she does— he explains the drastic ordeals that are happening on the star called the First. Finnick proposes that Minya joins his guild of Sky pirates called The Sandsea’s Revenge to save the dying star; and Minya agrees with a firm handshake. A deal was made.


With little knowledge of this star called The First Minya is whisked away into the unknown by the help of Finnick Orlandeau’s ship, The Strahl ( not G’raha Tia ). Accompanying Minya are members of the Sandsea, an Elezen Bard by the name of Elle Fointeaume, her husband— a Miqo’te Red Mage— Teza’to Mujuuk, and Finnick’s wife— an alluring Miqo'te Dancer— named Saanvi Orlandeau. Together, the now Warrior of Darkness and the band of sky pirates save the First from an Umbral Calamity... brought to surface by the Ascian, Emet-Selch.__== PATCH 5.3 __==
However, a new threat is upon them, with Hades gone, one of his brethren replaces him; Elidibus. He continues the will of Zodiark, wishing to bring the Calamity back unto the First. He summons tempered Warriors of Light from across the stars, plaguing them with thoughts to snuff out the darkness— and darkness— being Minya and Co.
In between this impending doom, the Sandsea have drama of their own, the relationship of Elle and Teza'to become severed. The people who they once were, are no more and their outlooks on desire and love no longer aligned.Having months pass them by on the First, Elle and Minya begin to hint their interests in one another— and eventually— they form a relationship of their own... after countless months of mutual pining and built up awkward tension between them. They were fooling no one.Now being able to focus on the fight at hand, their journey takes them across Novrandt and up the Crystal Tower— there— they defeat Elidibus’ manifestation of the Warrior of Light. However, within that battle, Minya’s sister Rand makes an appearance within the void they were tied to— rather than killing her sister under tempered will— Rand sacrifices herself in order to save her sister from Elidibus’ void chains.In a deep spiral of grief, Minya and Co. are able to make it safely back to the Source for a memorial in Ishgard that would be held to honor their lost Light blessed.Within the coming months, Minya struggles with finding out who she truly is meant to be, a member of the Sandsea or the lone and pure Warrior of Light? To her, she cannot be both.For a while, Minya made the decision to be on her own, feeling as if she were targeted my the Ascians, she no longer wished to put her new found friends in any more danger. Though after a while, with heavy reflecting, Minya came to the ultimate conclusion to commit to the Sandsea once more— after all— they were her home and she knew she could not fight this battle without them.

Constantly visiting Ishgard, Minya stares at the marble statue built in her sister’s name, forever wishing it would move with life once more. It is there she is met with a member of the Church, a Hyur Astrologin named Alphard Myste. He is in possession of the Echo and able to tell Minya that her sister is truly not dead, for he sees visions of Minya saving her sister from the void in which her memories and soul are lost in; she must return them to Rand’s body that rests inside of a crystal at the top of Syrcus Tower.With this information, Minya spends months searching endlessly for answers which lead her down many twisting roads and dead ends. Eventually, she is lead down the right one and is able to fight her way through the Tower with friends in tow who all wished for the return of their lost Light blessed. With the help of an old friend, Callidora, Minya is able to break the crystal her sister sleeps in, returning memories and soul to its rightful body.== PATCH 5.4 ==
Trouble now stirs in Limsa Lominsa, a pirate by the name of Sicard seems to be provoking Maelstrom officers, city folk— and of course— the Admiral herself.
Sicard wishes to bring back piracy, making the term and all its worth ”normalized”, a lot of his fellow crew mates rally to his cause and support him with his rebellious cries. When Minya is asked to address this situation, she is then met with a dirty past. Sicard reveals that he and Minya both share the same father, Kuruk Kanza, making him her half-blooded sibling. Devastated, confused and instantly provoked, Minya denies Sicard— to which his only reply is— “You can’t erase blood, you of all people should know that.”
( More on Sicard and Minya's relationship / family history, visit the FAMILY TREE page. )
Now, a greater threat is revealed, a relentless Ascian by the name of Fandaniel is building towers of unknown origin across the realm; his intentions are only to cause another Sundering, another Calamity. The realm is surly in danger— and now— only the Warrior of Light can bring hope to the realm.== PRE ENDWALKER ==
As the Sandsea closes usual business, Finnick begins making preparations to depart for Bozja— there— he will assist his life long friend, Fip, to bring freedom to their homeland. Many of the Sandsea members volunteer to go to war, they feel a great deal of debt to their boss— so helping him out for a change— is only appropriate.
With the Bozjan resistance advancing on the fields of Zadnor, the Sandsea arrive just in time for the siege on the great ship, The Dalriada. This is their chance, the Sandsea fire themselves up for whats to come— though suddenly— Finnick stops the group at the gates of the Northern Plateau. He informs them that the resistance has ordered him to fly solo, only Fip would be able to accompany him in certain ways.Outraged at this order, the majority of the Sandsea members defy this and demand to accompany him. But Finnick is serious and Minya— for once— takes the passive route. She can see his serious flames burning inside him, the desire to walk alone is something he has settled on; so she backs down.Walking slowly up the slope, Minya maneuvers around some of panicked members of the Sandsea— she presses her fist gently into his shoulder— demanding one thing from him."Make it back to us, you got that?"He nods and assures the group he will be fine— some believe him— and some are still adamant. With the order to return back to their main base of operations, the Sandsea make the trek through the battlefield once more. Upon arriving to a safe distance, they watch the ship desperately for any sort of sign.

With a few hours of waiting, the ship explodes in the distance, lighting up the night sky with its own personal fireworks of victory; BOZJA IS FREE! The Sandsea shout, cheer and jump about, crying victory for the ages— but upon Fip's return— Minya instantly saw the color of heart break burn from him.SOMETHING WAS NOT RIGHT.Minya shouts for Fip's attention, but her angered voice is ignored as he leads the rest of the Sandsea back to Gangos. Upon arriving, Fip finally musters up the strength in his chest to tell the Sandsea that their leader did not make it out alive. Teza'to was not having it, he did not believe Fip one bit, Finnick could not be taken down so easily. But for Minya, her vision began to tunnel, all that was left was her rage, her broken heart turned red in anger and her soul coloring the deepest blue imaginable. Hitting things was the only option to calm herself, ground herself to any solid, earthly thing.This man gave her hell, he gave her laughter, he gave her frustration, he gave her support with his valiant actions, and above all else... he gave her a place to belong. Finnick Orlandeau was equally a headache as he was an inspiration to Minya, in odd ways, she admired him for his independence and hard to read heart.

With the Sandsea in mourning— and Minya's duties as the Warrior of Light vastly approaching— the Sandsea split off to the far corners of the star. Filled with determination to bring her family of Sky Pirates back together again, Minya asks Elle to accompany her on this journey, not wanting to lose her to this shared heart break.Elle agrees to follow her to the ends of the earth and is prepared to face otherworldly beings again, for Minya, for the Sandsea, and for the future of their star.And thus . . . we look towards Sharlayan for answers.

ENDWALKER ( 28 — 29 )

Saying her Goodbyes to the Sandsea's home of operations, Minya now ventures to Sharlayan with scion friend, Eastmond Avington and Elle Fointeaume. They later meet with friends Alphard Gascoigne and Claude Greyson at the docks to begin their "snooping" in Sharlayan's records. They are not only searching for any information on The Final Days, but they are also looking for anything pertaining the strange symptoms of Minya's sister, Rand Mion, who's condition has worsened from being "brought back to life".Upon arriving in Sharlayan they reconvene with Alphard's twin brother, Quinnlan Gascoigne, who will also be assisting the party with their research.THAVNAIR
From here, the story continues canonly in Labyrinthos and with Minya, Eastmond and Elle traveling to Thavnair. There, they come into contact with Saanvi's father, Kamaraja ( who in this story is apart of the Radiant Host ) and little sister, Yasmeena; they even run into Teza'to along the way, who had taken a boat to sail as far away from Eorzea as possible after the Sandsea closed for business. Though while the group is learning about the land, the tower, and assisting the Alchemists with inventing the warding talismans, the trio are given the opportunity to reunite with Saanvi at Kadjaya's Footsteps. She apologizes to her friends for leaving so abruptly after Finnick's death, but she is met with warm understanding from them.
After the tower is taken care of and the talismans were proven as a success, Minya and co. are granted passage into the city of Radz-at-Han. Saanvi gives them a tour of her home which ends at Mehryde's Meyhane. The party is then able to relax and rejoice after freeing Thavnair from the tower. However, their light hearted evening was soon demolished by a mysterious Viera approaching them. The man seemed too comfortable in their presence, and though none of them knew who this man was, they would soon regret asking."I play the leading man, who else?"Finnick Orlandeau was back from the dead. The group was shocked, outraged and felt absolutely cheated by him; Teza'to boasted his "I told you so's" while Saanvi took it the hardest. Yet after explaining what he had to do in order to clear his tarnished image as a glamoured Miqo'te, the room appeared calmer... all except for Minya of course, who hated herself for mourning him so passionately in the first place .MARE LAMENTORUM
Continuing on canonly with Endwalker, Minya's story begins to take a turn for the worst after the defeat of Zodiark. Just as his body perished in the moon's core, Minya began to feel an uncontrollable sadness from with in her. The pain was unbearable, it scorched her heart and consumed her every nerve; all she could do was claw at her chest, shouting "It hurts! Why, why does it hurt, I don't understand! So sad, so lonely, too much... it's too much!"
No one could understand what was wrong with her, Alphard tried many times to heal her but this was beyond normal succor, whatever Minya was feeling came from within. After what had seemed like hours to her, Minya was able to calm herself down to explain. She had told both Elle and Alphard that it was odd to feel such despair over the loss of Zodiark ( or in this case Fandaniel ), she knew the sadness was not her own and it felt like "it belonged to someone else".

After assisting Saanvi in Thavnair as The Final Days hit her homeland, Minya is now driven to seek answers in the First. Accompanied by Elle and Eastmond, Minya travels back to the shard she once had saved. Rejoining an old friend by the name of Kiyo Tsu, Minya explains the situation back on the Source. Kiyo is able to give little information but suggests speaking to someone who she once quarreled with.
As Kiyo leads her friends to the Crystal tower she informs Minya that the remnants of Elidibus could prove to be useful for her. After some conversation, Elidibus is able to transport Minya and friends back in time.In our FC's rendition of the story, Minya and friends meet Hythlodaeus and Azem upon their arrival. Minya is able to run with the story that they are "familiars" who specialize in "fetch quests" and the quest they have been tasked with is to learn more about Elips and Hermes's creations. Hythlodaeus and Azem decide to assist these odd familiars by pointing them in the right direction.As the trio meet Hermes, a rather interesting girl with wings for ears takes an immediate liking to Minya. Hermes apologizes and introduces the girl as Meteion, one of his very special concepts.After being shown around Elpis's islands, Minya comes across a plethora of familiar beasts. She asks Meteion the name of these concepts and Meteion is happy to explain. The concepts are called Melanion's, they are particularly aggressive and protective beings. Meteion even tells Minya that one of her sisters really enjoyed these concepts and would often visit them when Hermes came to Kallimelios Zephyros.

With their tour coming to an end, Hythlodaeus and Azem seek counsel with Hermes; the familiars insist on overhearing this conversation. Hythlodaeus and Azem explain their want for Hermes to take his place at the seat of Fandaniel, but Hermes doesn't seem pleased with this. He becomes noticeably upset and is unable to give the duo a real answer. Meteion becomes upset together with Hermes in which Minya is able to see their colors match near perfect. Hermes asks Minya to take Meteion for a walk to help clear her head and apologizes for making her so upset.Leaving Elle behind to eavesdrop on the conversation, Minya and Eastmond take Meteion for a light walk. It is then that Meteion seems eager to show Minya what she is capable of— and as she gives this thorough demonstration— Minya realizes her and Meteion are one and the same. Minya feels comfortable enough to now demonstrate her own abilities which leaves Meteion glowing, she is beyond happy that someone else out there is the same as her.This discovery only leaves more questions for Minya.With their meeting finished, Minya and Eastmond return Meteion to Hermes, she explains excitedly that Minya and her are the same and that she can see the colors of Dynamis all on her own! Hermes is baffled by this knowledge and is quick to deny Meteion, declaring Minya's abilities as "impossible". Minya explains this is true and Hermes yet again denies her, he then takes the group over to a batch of white flowers just behind the buildings of The Twelve Wanders.Here, Hermes explains the functionalities of the Elpis Flower. Equally shocked and intrigued by the flower's capability, both Eastmond and Elle look to Minya who is stood completely still in deep thought. Could this flower be the key to her abilities she obtained from Coeurlregina? If so, how exactly did Coeurlregina receive them?

Hermes then explains to the group that this very flower is the reason Meteion and her sisters exist; they are made solely from this flower and are given physical form. However, Meteion's sisters are no longer on Elpis, Hermes tasked them a quest to scour the universe to find other stars, wanting to know the answer to such a heavy question."What is the meaning of life? What do others live for?"Minya begins to struggle to see how this Hermes will eventually become the Fandaniel that causes The Final Days. None of them are getting closer to an ultimate answer, Minya decides to reconvene with Elle and Eastmond; it is time to tell the truth to Hythlodaeus, Azem and Venat.After gathering her respected audience together with her friends, Minya begins to explain her entire journey to the Ancients who sit before her. The three of them are shocked at her story, it is hard to believe for them but easy to piece together. It is then that the three of them agree to help their friendly group of "familiars" find the answers they seek pertaining Meteion and Hermes.Azem is now fully interested in Minya and wishes to put her abilities to the test, wondering exactly what makes her so special if she is not light blessed. The two are able to spar head on for a while, but Azem is one formidable foe and is no where near lacking in talent. Minya nearly falters but is able to tap into her special abilities that grant her both emotional and magical strength; this is exactly what Azem wanted to see.With the impressive sparring at an end, Minya is deemed victorious by Azem's approval. However, once they reconvene with Hermes and Venat, the mood around them seemed to drastically change. Something is wrong with Meteion, she is holding her face and bent over in agony— and just as Minya attempts to touch her— Meteion links her consciousness to Minya's. This only has the two of them writhing in pain, repeating each other aloud like the chorus of a song.Suddenly, Meteion's consciousness is shoved aside by what seems to be another voice patching through, it is clear this consciousness belongs to one of the Meteia. It begins to recite its findings on other stars, providing the answers they were unable to find.One of the sister's introduced itself as Chloris— and what she had to report— shocked the familiars to the core."Star was found in complete chaos, war corrupted the lands and decimated it’s population. No answer found. Attempted to return to home point. Home point not found. Unit located a wandering Melanion. Self destruct initiated, dynamis and consciousness transferred to Melanion."

Somehow, some way, the power of a Meteion lingers within Minya's own dynamis, granting her not only its own abilities, but the abilities developed by the vengeful queen of Drivania. ( For more about Chloris check out my ABILITIES PAGE: Chloris AO3 fic coming soon! )Here, the story continues canonly without any personal changes.THE AITIASCOPE
After putting the puzzle pieces together pertaining Rand's condition, the group came to the conclusion that Hydaelyn is in possession of Rand's soul. With full intentions to rescue her, the group ventures down the Aitiascope and into the Aetherial Sea.
Coming to the end of their journey, the group is challenged by the spirit of Amon. After defeating his vengeful soul, his large body purposefully blocks their way forwards. Just then, a bright golden orb approaches our heroes.“I see your path is blocked yet again my little lass, but no matter, this will not stop you I am sure of it.”The golden orb takes the form of Sinopa Kanza who stands directly in front of her daughter.“Tis been a long time, my how you have grown.”The two are able to embrace and share words with one another for the first time in 29 years.After their small reunion, Sinopa begins to say her goodbyes. Though she would like more time with her daughter, she knows she cannot keep her here forever, not when Rand needs her... not when the world needs her more.Turning away from her daughter, Sinopa summons a curved, Ala Mhigan blade from pure golden light.“Alright you bastard, it’s time I drag you to where you belong, I’ll teach you a bloody lesson; don’t you EVER stand in a KANZA’S WAY!”She thrusts the tip of her blade into the crystal ground, a golden pool surrounds both herself and Amon which slowly consume them together. And just like that... their path is open.( For more on this interaction visit my AO3, status: coming soon! )

As our heroes push forward, they are met face to face with Hydaelyn, who has completely merged herself with Rand's soul. Hydaeyn is Rand and Rand is Hydaelyn. Born of the same essence, both equal in light and in purity.Rand challenges the group of heroes in hopes to prepare them for what awaits at the edge of the universe. They must prove themselves worthy to continue on and face a being that is equal in her strength.The party struggles against her, she is a power that is like no other. They are eventually brought to their knees and wipe their first battle. Rand allows the group to try once more— and if they cannot succeed— then they can forget about saving the star from the final days.Filled with nothing but determination and the desire to carry on, the party give it their all for round two, encouraging each other as they go along. They struggle at first, but become accustomed to Rand's unique fighting style. The trial drags on— but in the end— the party is victorious as Rand falls to her knees completely out of breath.Minya is able to speak to Hydaelyn within Rand, her small hands cup the bottom of her chin."Please Venat, give her back to me, we need her."After a heartfelt conversation, Hydaelyn releases her hold on Rand and allows the group to take her back to the lands above.

With the group catching Rand up to speed and acquiring new gear in preparations to face their threat at the ends of the universe, the party is suddenly met by members of the Forum. They inform that they have broken multiple rules whilst seeking "scholarly answers" within Sharlayan— and because of that— a trial is to be held to decide the fate of this meddling group.
With the trial underway, members of the Forum appeared shocked and felt disrespected by the heroes who testified before them. Quinnlan rises up in confidence to justify their actions and explain that the final days are coming whether the Forum decides to ignore it or not. Minya is called to the stand to further explain the cause of the final days and how she came about learning this truth.After a long, tedious trial, the Forum votes to release the party and grant them access to the Starship Ragnarok ( after they have offered to contact their allies for additional Dalamud shell pieces, of course ).Finally, the Ragnarok has been updated and is prepared to take on the stars. As our heroes traverse through space at an incredible speed, something suddenly takes control of their systems. Meteion makes herself known to the group and begins her attempts to stop the party here and now. But Rand will not stand for this, she lunges towards Meteion with Alphard chasing after her. Suddenly, darkness, the heroes black out abruptly.ULTIMA THULE
When they awake, both Rand and Alphard are no where to be found, they are informed by their Loporrit pilot they have landed at their destination. Claude suggests searching for Rand and Alphard who may have already gone outside to explore; Minya swears up and down she had witnessed them disappear in a flash of light.
As the group departs the ship and investigates the distorted lands, they come across what looks like an aetheryte. This figure is surrounded by ghost white dragons who express their unending suffering and eternal despair. After conversing with these dragons, Meteion appears above the group and explains the origins of this place that is purely created by dynamis. Minya demands to know what happened to both Rand and Alphard— Meteion scoffs and replies— "Silly Minya, they are right next to you, are they not? Their sacrifice brought you to this place, they are all around you."Fed up with her teasing, Elle shoots an arrow towards Meteion who disappears before she is struck. The group presses on and continues to speak to the dragons across the ash covered plains. It is then that Elle realizes how exactly this place functions, she turns to the group and gives a gentle apology for leaving so early. A black whirlwind appears behind her— and at its core— one of the Meteia. After a heartfelt speech and a heartbreaking protest from Minya, Elle backs into the tornado that immediately claims her.By the nearby cliff, a verdant gust of wind has accumulated to allow the group to continue on and forge ahead. This process of noble sacrifices continues with friends Valka, Ariah, Kiyo and Eastmond giving themselves to the whirlwinds of despair, pushing Minya and Claude ever onwards.But the crystal bridge that had been born from Eastmond's sacrifice is half made and unsafe for them to cross. Minya bursts into panicked laughter upon the sight of the half made bridge, she too realizes what must be done.It is here that Minya begins to retell her long, tiring, and meaningful journey as the Warrior of Light. Claude is unsure why she's explaining all of this— but soon— he realizes, Minya plans to sacrifice herself as well. She ends her speech by passing the title of the Warrior of Light unto Claude, ensuring that their star will always have some sort of valiant savior in times of peril.Turning her back to him, Minya begins to sprint towards the bridge, her arms pumping and tears streaming down her face. She is unsure what awaits her at the end of all this, but she is happy to give herself up for the greater good. With her boot hitting the bridge's foundation, her body begins to fade into iridescent shards. The shards then take the form of a lean coeurl— and above this coeurl— flies a light green bird that resembles a Meteion.As the glimmering figments of Minya’s dynamis take these forms, they begin to fit into the spaces like puzzle pieces, building the end of the bridge higher… o’ higher. With both coeurl and bird reaching the end of the fully made dynamis bridge, they fade into fragments again and are carried off in twinkling shards through the black whirlwind that awaited them. Minya is gone.( Minya's sacrifice speech will soon be turned into a fic! Status: coming soon! )

Suddenly, her vision came back, the breath in her lungs returned and her aether had been physically restored. Minya now stood in a field of Elpis flowers, her friends that had sacrificed themselves now at her side. Across from her was Meteion on her knees and Claude who was accompanied by two familiar faces, Hythlodaeus and Azem. Some how, some way, Claude managed to wish back his friends with Azem's crystal.Here, our heroes progress into the Dead Ends after a conversation with Azem and Hythlodaeus. This expedition is lead by Meteion who tells the stories of each lost world that met their ends due to potent despair. The party is not shaken and continues to show unwavering resolve through the worlds they visit within this dynamis egg.Reaching the end of the Dead Ends, the Meteia flock together to form the ultimate personification of despair, the Endsinger. She spares the group no time to react, she begins conjuring planets and launching them upon the group. Just when they believed they could withstand no more, Endsinger halts her assault as she senses another presence.Four glass shattering echos begin to crack in the sky above them, out of nowhere the space breaks open— and out of the hole that is formed— a gargantuan, black dragon flies through. In this rendition, this dragon is not Shinryu, but one of our own named Ancalagon. With him he brings Zenos who had struck a bargain with him to get here, after all, he is pining for Minya and wants only to challenge her.Though before Zenos can get what he wants, Minya and co. need to defeat Endsinger. Zenos and Ancalagon agree to assist our heroes by providing a platform to battle her upon.

With Endsinger now gone and Meteion free of her sister's despair, the group rejoices... until Zenos approaches behind Minya. She understands what he wants and knows he will not stop pursuing her till either one of them is dead. Minya pulls out a teleporter device that she stole from the Ragnarok, presses it, and tosses it in between her friends; she apologizes to them before they are redirected back to the safety of the starship.Here, Minya and Zenos clash in a bloody, violent battle leaving Minya victorious in the end. She falls to the ground with half a body scar that nearly bleeds her dry. She thinks of her friends, her family and her home all before she closes her eyes, accepting that this is the place she will wither to dust in.
( This fight has been turned into a fic! Click HERE to be taken to it! )
But what Minya didn't know was that her friends back at the Ragnarok began to pray for her return, their desire and will so strong it transforms the area back into what it once was. Minya and Zenos lay upon the Elpis flower field, their spilt blood staining the iridescent petals of hope.Meteion arrives back at the Ragnarok, shouting for Rand to come and help Minya immediately. The two venture back to the flower field with the teleporting device in hand. Finally reaching her sister and witnessing the massacre of Zenos, Rand begins to heal Minya with potent white magic, stabilizing her aether to the point she could become conscious again.

As the three of them teleport back to the starship, Minya opens her eyes to her friends surrounding her in complete worry. They cheer and rejoice that their hero has returned to them safe— sound on the other hand— not so much. Rand had healed her sister enough to stop the bleeding till they arrived back in Sharlayan.After all that is said and done, the heroes of Etheirys return home, the crisis has been averted— and for the first time in a long time— they bathe in the feeling of pure, well deserved peace.MINYA'S FUTURE PLANS
Minya's injury has been stitched, she is given strict orders to transfer her paperwork to Limsa's best White Mage, Mahrix Honeyett. There, she will receive proper treatment whilst she recovers.
Minya and Elle plan to stay with Minya's father back on their farm at Red Rooster Stead in Lower La Noscea— all while of course— being accompanied by Meteion, who now travels with the two women as a noble, loving and excited companion.Minya has asked her friend Eastmond to eventually assist her in researching the familiarities of her and Meteion. She understands that one of her sisters, Chloris, lives on in her potent dynamis... but how this all came to be is a mystery she would like to solve.Minya plans to reconnect with the Kanza side of her family after her recovery. She is understanding that they have shunned her and her father from their lives and forbid them to come back to Ala Gannha after huge misunderstanding occurred. She is determined to mend their family wounds and become a strong unit once again.And after that is all said and done, Minya wishes to go back to her roots and adventure the world, seeing all the sights and discovering all it's secrets.

As mentioned in my HEAVENSWARD page, Minya has been gifted Coeurlregina’s boon, which she has absorbed from one of the Meteia. ( See ENDWALKER tab for more information on this particular Meteia ).BE WARNED, there are heavy Endwalker spoilers on this page. Please complete the level 87 dungeon and Elpis storyline to continue reading:Below are the abilities she possesses and in the order she learned them in.

Though this is not really an “ability”, the coeurls across Eorzea follow the call of their queen, though the call is some what “hive-mind” like, they share the general knowledge that Minya is “one of them”.
( Further explained in great detail below )
This ability can ONLY be used once because it uses a lot of MP focus from Minya.
Minya is able to call forth the lightning from the sky, much like a coeurl can with its whiskers at will, her item of focus would be her glowing gold eyes that effects the weather to change to “Royal Levin”. She is able to control the surge of lightning through her weapon and throughout bodies of water. Minya has a high direct hit rate— though because she is a tank— the crit won’t be as high as one would if they were a DPS. Have in mind this ability is her last resort, it’s a HIGH VOLTAGE attack that can cause the effect of Paralysis; this cannot be cast away with Esuna and has a timer of 30 seconds.DYNAMIS EYESIGHT ABILITY
Minya is able to visually see the intentions and emotions of a person / living being. Basically, their Dynamis will become visible to her.
Below is a visual walk through on how exactly Minya’s “Dynamis senses" work! Since I took huge inspiration from one of my favorite, lesser known animes ( CANAAN ) I knew no one would really know what it actually looks like through Minya’s eyes when she sees Dynamis colors on a person. So I just thought to explain a few things in detail.

First clip is easy, thats what the aura looks like on a particular person, every hue of dynamis is different on every person. No one will have the same hue or lighting in their color, this makes them distinctive, unique and traceable for Minya. You can have the same colors, but your lighting and hue will always be different. When a person is calm the “color flame” will flow easily, when a person is anxious, upset, or enraged their color flame will flicker and shake. As you can also see in the first clip this character uses her abilities at will and her eyes glow red, Minya’s is the same thing only her eye color is a glowing gold.The second clip: is what it looks like when Minya tracks a person, you see how the colors sparkle ( again, every color for every person will be different ) and you can see how quickly the trail fades. For Minya its rather the same thing, her tracking can last for a while depending on the weather and her surroundings.Third clip is the same thing really but at the end you can see the example of how Minya can see these colors through walls. Though for Minya, she can only see through walls within a certain amount range.Last and final clip we see this anime character saying “I see a strange color”, and for Minya that color is white. If a person is pure white they are good at masking their intentions and their emotions, making them an unreadable person for Minya; they’re automatically marked under her ‘proceed with caution’ tab. Towards the end of the video you can also see her saying “you have the same color as ______”, and that, is impossible for Minya’s eye sight. No person can have the same “color data”. This occasion only happened once, when a departed soul made contact to another living being through the aetherial sea, it left a "dynamis mark" on the person it was speaking to.Below I’ll give a basic color code for INTENTIONS (the color that outlines the person):Blue: kind, helpful, determined, friendly intentions
Red: hateful / harmful intentions
White: unreadable intentions ( for people who mask themselves well )
Purple: ( mostly for people who are void touched / voidsent )
Black: a deceased body
( list goes on )
Now within these intention colors are flickering colors of your unique EMOTIONS, or should I say, your Dynamis; here are some that are common:Yellow: happy, cheerful, ecstatic, joyful
Gray: calm, relaxed, comfortable
Pink: love and passion
Orange: anxious, nervous
Ruby: anger, upset, bothered, agitated
Royal Blue: sad, depressed, lonely, isolated
( the list goes on )
Fun facts:Shadowbringers:
Arriving on the first, Minya was unable to use her Dynamis sight. The light that plagued the sky affected her eyesight and often gave her painful migraines. She was unable to use her eyesight till the light in the sky was cast away. However, lightwardens and sineaters are only seeable and appear to be the same glowing color(s) as the very one that plagues the sky.
After the defeat of Fandaniel as Zodiark, Minya's connection to the Meteia, Chloris, became uncontrollable. As if part of Chloris inside these abilities were crying out in pain, suffering for the loss of her creator, Hermes. For a short time after, Minya is unable to use her Dynamis eyesight and other gifted abilities she inherited from Coeurlregina.

Click for a larger photo ^



Sinopa was the first born daughter to parents Kaniya and Bashar Damji, her younger sister, Odila ( Fordola’s canon mother that I named personally for the sake of this story ) was born 5 years after.Disapproving with Garlean rule in Ala Mhigo, Kaniya implored her daughters to leave the city with the first fleeing resistance members and head for Rhalgr's Reach; Kaniya promised to find them when she had the chance. However, Odila ( being much younger than Sinopa at the time ), defied her mother’s wishes and did not accompany her sister to the Reach. She did not wish to abandon her home and family… not yet at least.Around the age of 26 Sinopa yearned to travel elsewhere, The Reach was not somewhere she wanted to live her whole life. By pure luck, Sinopa was able to venture as far as Lower La Noscea, wanting to get far from Gyr Abania, and Garlean rule, as possible.Settling on a farm called Red Rooster Stead, Sinopa would eventually marry a fellow Ala Mhigan by the name of Kuruk Kanza— and soon after— they’d have their daughter, Minya. Unfortunately, Sinopa would pass a few months after giving birth, leaving her new baby and husband, behind.Back in Ala Mhigo, Sinopa’s family endured Garlean rule, choosing to lay low and strategically plan their next escape to Rhalgr’s Reach when the time was right. Eventually, the family would receive a letter from Kuruk, explaining that their daughter has become gravely ill. Deciding that the time to escape was now or never, the Damji family packed their things and left their home in the dead of night.Rendezvousing with two Resistance soldiers and a handful of other escapee’s, the group navigated through the city and down towards a secret passage that lead underground. But before they could reach the safety of the passage door, a group of Garlean soldiers ambushed the escapee’s.Taking charge of the situation while the Resistance members fought off the soldiers, Bashar was able to escort majority of his fellow Ala Mhigan’s to safety. Though when it came to his family, he failed. One of the soldier’s managed to snatch Odila from her mother during the commotion, holding her hostage to lure Bashar and Kaniya out of the underground hallway.“Come out with your hands up! Or I kill the girl here and now!”Having no choice but to do as the soldier said, both Bashar and Kaniya revealed themselves from the hallway as their fellow Ala Mhigan’s escaped behind them though the underground.Being able to persuade the soldier not to harm his wife and daughter, he offered himself as a loyal subject to their cause, pledging to do their bidding as they saw fit. Kaniya begged her husband not to commit to such a thing, but to Bashar, it was the only way to stay afloat around here, even if he had to lie through his teeth, he would do anything to protect himself and his beloved family.As years passed, Odila grew and fell in love with a man named Radulf rem Lupis, ( Fordola’s canon father that I named personally for the sake of this story ) who she had met through her father. Radulf had done the same and camouflaged himself within Garlean rank to survive. In the months that followed, Radulf and Odila would marry and have a child, a daughter named Fordola.Eventually, the Damji family would receive late word that Sinopa had passed away a few months after giving birth to Minya. Exchanging letters in and out of Ala Mhigo was little to near impossible, in his letter, Kuruk apologized profusely if word reached them later than anticipated.Devastated at their loss, Odila frequented her parent’s to mourn and help clean up Sinopa’s forgotten belongings. Little Fordola over heard conversations shared between Kaniya and Odila, putting the puzzle pieces together that her mother had a sister… who also happened to have a daughter! Fordola was ecstatic to learn she had a cousin and wondered why she never was able to meet her, she wanted someone to be close with, she never really had long lasting friends.Keeping a box of her sister’s belongings to remember her by, Odila returned home with Fordola by the hand. “What happened to Aunty Sin…opa?” Fordola asked, which only made her mother wipe her flowing tears away, “She isn’t with us any longer, Fordola, I am so sorry.” Fordola stopped mid walk, letting go of Odila’s hand, “Can we… go say goodbye,” she asked and Odila shook her head, “She is over the walls, we cannot reach her.” Fordola’s brows furrowed as her tears continued to fall, she never understood why her aunt and their family didn’t live in Ala Mhigo with them. Her childlike mind believed Sinopa was a coward and purposely ran away from the troubles their homeland faced.To her it was unfair that Sinopa was able to have a free life while she and her family lived a caged one. This is what makes Fordola aggressive towards Minya when she discovers she is the famed ‘warrior of light’. Fordola is spiteful that Minya had an easy childhood while she never got that, Fordola and her family had to constantly fight for their lives while Minya never knew what it was like to be oppressed. She was always alone and always the one to get the shit end of every stick she ever touched. Fordola wanted to make them— and the whole world— PAY. She despises Sinopa’s family and wants nothing to do with them while Minya wants everything to do with Fordola.

"Aye, you want me dead, but despite that I'll bring freedom to our home, we're family— and as much as you want to — you cannot erase that."" 'Home'? What HOME?! What family?! You abandoned your home! You abandoned your family! What makes you THINK you're some kin of mine?!"


Limsa Lominsa, a beautiful city state that resides just off the coast of Vylbrand, constantly bustling with all walks of life— and newly arrived Kuruk Kanza— was thrilled to start his new chapter.At first, the Gyr Abanian was able to take up work in the markets, helping the independent culinarian, Gerulf, lift heavy shipment crates off of trade ships and chocobo caravans. He would even promote to attract customers with his booming, friendly voice.After a year of exceptional work, Kuruk raised a good amount of Gil, enough to potentially rent a house in Mist. However, before he was able to make the decision, Kuruk was approached by a Hyuran farmer, Anaoc, who did business with Gerulf. He gave the Highlander a proposition, if he came to work for him at Red Rooster Stead, he would be able to easily afford residence in one of the windmill homes, which were reserved specifically for farmers on that plot of land. He told Kuruk that he was low on farmers, and with him getting older and older by the day, he wasn’t able to carry out the tasks himself.“I like yer lively nature lad, n’with these old bones not able’ta lift a damn thing, I could be of use of those muscles and work ethic ye have.”Thanking the Gerulf for everything, Kuruk agreed to help the old man out on the Stead. He did everything, from assisting in planting, harvesting, feeding the chocobos, herding the sheep, and trading into Limsa and Moraby Drydocks with merchants there.With Anaoc growing sick after a year of Kuruk’s service, he gifted his farm to the Kanza name, trusting the hard worker with his lifestyle. Anaoc had no children nor wife who would inherit this land, so with Kuruk being the closest thing to a son for him, he gave him all he had built.A few days after Anaoc’s passing, Kuruk ventured to Limsa, carrying a load of squash crates to Gerulf’s stand. Without seeing someone walk in front of him, Kuruk drove his body right into them, knocking her— and the crates of squash— upon the cobblestone floor. Kuruk apologized profusely and rushed to help the woman he harmed. Her silver shimmering hair fanned out and covered her face; blood seeping through the bright strands. Kuruk carefully bent over and assisted her in sitting up, gingerly gathering the damp strands of hair and tucking them behind her ear.”I’m so sorry miss, these crates are huge and I can’t see over’em very well and—““Ughh fuck… me head. It’s alright lad, I wasn’t watchin’ where I was walkin’ either… n’it doesn’t help I’m tha height of yer crate that nicked me.”“Here, let me deliver what’s left of this load and at least allow me to help you stitch that up. That’s a nasty cut.””A gentleman? Not many of those’ere. Alright, might as well fix what ye broke eh? Call me Cass.”“Kuruk.”After quickly finishing his delivery in Limsa, Kuruk invited Cass to the Stead— there— he would carefully stitch her wound upon her eyebrow. He would then cook her a hearty meal for dinner and show her around the farm where he worked and lived. Cassandra took an immediate liking to the humble Highlander and asked when next she’d be able to see him— and to which Kuruk replied— ”Whenever you’d like”.
Over the course of two months, the duo frequented between the farm and Limsa Lominsa. They shared much about each other, where they came from, what their lives have been like and what they hope for in the future. Kuruk wanted a simple, quiet life after experiencing war and oppression in his childhood. As for Cassandra, she wanted her family name— Barlow— to mean something to the world, she wanted to be remembered as a legend of the seas. Kuruk only laughed, telling her he admired a woman with passionate drive. Her honey gold eyes glittered as she looked at him, her heart fluttered at his booming laugh— and in that moment— she kissed him.
The two became an item that day, falling madly in love with one another to the point where it looked like obsession to their peers. Unfortunately, their flame did not last passed a month, one afternoon, Kuruk came to surprise her after a long day on the farm. He ventured down to Limsa’s docks, their usual meeting spot, but did not find her lingering. After waiting longer than he should have, Kuruk heard a familiar voice shout atop one of the docked ships— and knowing it was Cassandra’s— he followed it.Navigating through the great ship, Kuruk made his way to the deck— and there— he witnessed a speech given by Cassandra. She rallied a group of pirates and pledged an oath to keep piracy alive, not knowing her true intentions or nature, Kuruk was instantly repulsed.”If piracy is your sick game I want nothing of the sort!”Kuruk shouted and broke through the crowd’s loud chanting, Cassandra sneered his way and protectively held her belly to shout back. “Ye think ye are some Godsend?! Kuruk! Piracy has always been apart of me life, ye were just too blind, too bloody noble ta see it! I need no man to walk along side me, the sea and all she be worth is MY truest love! If ye walk away now, ye will NEVER ‘ave my trust again and every last pirate on this ship will be after’yer ‘ead! So… what’ll it be?”Narrowing his brows to her and feeling nothing but pure heart break burn inside his chest, Kuruk turned his back to her, “I’d rather rot than be associated with filthy plundering.” With tears instantly streaming down her angered face, Cassandra aimed her pistol towards the Gyr Abanian and pulled the trigger. The bullet shot and landed in a wooden plank, inches away from his heels. Frightened she would shoot again and not miss, Kuruk made a hasty break and began to escape through the ship, “After’em!” Cassandra order her crew into chase, they were able to follow Kuruk as far as the main plaza before being caught by Maelstrom officers, who had heard the gunshot and came to investigate. They were able to take the crew— and Cassandra— into custody after questioning Kuruk in great detail.With Kuruk allowed to return home, Cassandra and crew had been tossed behind bars, revoked of their ship, their titles, and their trust on Lominsan territory. During imprisonment, Cassandra gave birth to a son, Sicard, and since she had a child to take care of ( and her making a promising plea at her hearing ), she was released and entrusted to the captain of The Astalicia, Hyllfyr, who was respected and trusted under the Admiral’s watchful eye, especially after the Galadion Accord. There, she would work as one of the crew all the while raising her son on her own, vowing to herself she would never tell Kuruk of this, even if he is the biological father. Sicard was her’s and her’s alone, Kuruk did not deserve the right to be in his life after he left her high and dry.PATCH 5.4Being tasked to investigate the mines in Lower La Noscea, Minya, Rand and co. discover the head of the crystal trade operations, Sicard Barlow. Upon sight, Sicard knew who Minya was, but she had no knowledge of him— however— she and Rand became concerned in the insane identical features he held to Minya.Without her asking, Sicard explains their relations and his resentment towards Kuruk, tainting his good name with nasty remarks and distain. Enraged and sickened at the fact Sicard was not lying all by the tell signs of his color, Minya agrees to meet him upon the Astalicia to hear him out and witness the duel he challenged the Admiral to.Upon losing to Merlwyb and getting an ear full from Captain Hyllfyr, Sicard tosses away the dream he wanted to carry out for his mother, wanting to make a name of themselves and be marked down as legends of the sea. But all Cassandra cared about now was that her son was safe. Though she showed disgust in meeting Minya, she gave her a message to give to Kuruk, ”Tell that kindhearted bastard… all is washed away in the depths. ‘e’ll know what that means”.After months had passed from Sicard’s ploy, Minya was able to mend the bond between her and her half-brother. She told him he is always welcome at the farm and that Kuruk is desperate to meet him. Though Sicard is still skeptical about meeting his father, he decides to focus more on his bond with his sister for now.


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The literal love of her life. Merlwyb's attraction to Minya began in early ARR as she learned of Minya's exceptional power as a Marauder; she quickly admired her devotion to their city-state. Impressions aside, Merlwyb was drawn to Minya's young, spunky attitude that contrasted well with her serious and stoic behavior; for Merlwyb, Minya brought the light and laughter into her life.

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Thancred and Minya have not had long to get to know each other. During Shadowbringers— and after finding interest in the Gunblade— Minya turns to Thancred for advice on how to use it. On their down time, he is able to teach her useful techniques and mechanics of the blade. However, their friendship doesn't go too far after that. The two have mutual respect for one another and will support each other when the time calls for it.

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Y'shtola and Minya have gotten very close over the years, especially during the events of Stormblood. The two bond in their mutual personality and headstrong attitudes. They are often found teaming up with Alisaie on field exploring and fetch requests; the three of them are able to get the job done quickly and efficiently as possible. But of course, along the way, they share a good laugh or two. Y'shtola deeply respects Minya and their knowledge of one another stretches far into A Realm Reborn. With Y'shtola being stationed in Limsa, I believe Minya was able to work alongside Y'shtola during her time in the Maelstrom and at Merlwyb's side.

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Urianger and Minya are not close at all. Though the two of them enjoy each other's companionship and admire one another for their different talents, they are always sat in awkward silence when alone together. Minya tries her hardest not to be teamed up with Urianger so she can spare herself being forced to make conversation. If Thancred is tossed in with them, then she wouldn't mind it as much since the two level each other out.

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Alphinaud and Minya are close. They have this "thing" they do every time Alphinaud saves Minya from something she didn't notice. Minya will ruffle his hair to the point it messes up his bangs— though he always swats her away playfully— he secretly enjoys the attention and praise she gives. That being said, Alphinaud feels a sense of protectiveness over Minya, even if he doesn't show it. For Minya, she views Alphinaud as an independent young man, not really in need of advice or a mentor of any sorts. However, that will not stop her from being protective over him either.

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Alisaie is Minya's number one fan. She throughly believes no one loves and admires her more than she does. From the moment she met her, Alisaie was in awe. Minya is someone she wants to be like, head-strong, fiery, determined and unwavering when odds are against her. She is constantly protective over Minya... sometimes a little TOO protective. Alisaie is undoubtedly infatuated by her and considers Minya a role-model of sorts. Alisaie has become a "mini Minya" from hanging around her too much. They love to make everything and ANYTHING a friendly competition. There is nothing either of them WOULDN'T do for one another.

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Lyse and Minya only began to grow close during the attack on Rhalgar's Reach. Without knowing it, they were able to create a formidable team together as they cut through the Garlean horde. They both bond over their similar personalities and love for their homeland. After the liberation of Ala Mhigo, Lyse and Minya's trust in each other skyrocketed. Now no matter what, the two of them will be there for each other when they call.

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These two are fire and ice... quite literally. Ever since the events of Heavensward, Minya has not been able to trust Estinien. Even though he has constantly proven himself to be trustworthy and displays good intentions, Minya doesn't buy it. Though Estinien doesn't REALLY have a negative thought about Minya, he DOES think she is rather loud; that alone does not mix with his silent type of behavior. When paired together or left alone, you can expect Minya to glare, snap and critique him till the job is complete.


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Fashionable, flirtatious, majestic and poised, Elle is someone Minya treasures deeply. Besides being Minya's girlfriend, Elle is one of many who supports Minya to her fullest. Their bond is strong and their love is ethereal. If asked about Elle, Minya will give you paragraphs about how amazed she is by this woman. Musically inclined, Elle will probably be the one to compose songs of their love and adventures for the people to carry on for ages to come. Be it fighting blasphemy in the Final Days, defying gods or working together on a job for the Sandsea, Minya and Elle are a formidable and well rounded duo, roaring and ready to help one another when tasked to do so.

( aka Naavi or Nav )
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Stoic, formal, curious and caring, Saanvi was one of Minya's first true bonds in the Sandsea. Minya admires her friend's confident independent nature and is in constant awe with her graceful and powerful dancing abilities. Their loyalty and deep care for one another shines the brightest through their actions when working side by side. Both will lend a helping hand to each other, no matter the cost, and no matter what it takes. They are family.

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Cunning, smug, dapper and mischievous, Finnick is both an annoyance and a joy to Minya's heart. Finnick's bond with Minya is an important one to her. Though they may tease and he may drag it on longer than it needs to be for an easy reaction out of her, Minya and Finnick are good, reliable friends and will come when the other calls... especially if there is Gil involved on Finnick's end. All jokes aside, this man is family to her and she will go great lengths for him, no matter how much he can irk her.

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Teza'to ever walks to the beat of his own drum, he isn't one for mushy emotional talk. This makes things difficult for Minya to work with— but since they both had worked and lived under the same roof— they have somewhat of a mutual respect for one another. After Elle and Teza'to broke things off, it defiantly became rocky for Tez and Minya— but despite all of that— they both have come to an understanding of how the other works and will often times tease and challenge each other with silly bets or dares. Regardless of the situation, if Teza'to was in any sort of rut, Minya would help him no matter the cost. Even if she never mentions it to his face, Tez is family to her too.


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Compassionate, heroic, resilient and pure as the light, Rand Mion is Minya's top priority. At the drop of a Gil, Minya will ALWAYS fly right to her side. Though the two of them are only sisters by marriage, their bond is something so intense that the weight of a thousand worlds could not match the love they have for one another. The two were destined to cross paths since the beginning. A destined love such as theirs can NEVER be erased. Though Minya is the elder, she is always finding herself looking up to Rand. On many occasions Minya has attempted to match her sister's logical and tactical ways of thinking; that never really works out. The two are polar opposites, but they never fail to make opposites look warm and inviting. Not to mention their team work on the battle field, they are TRULY a force to be reckoned with.

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Honorable, traditional, stoic and loyal, Emperor Kai Zenshin holds a special place in Minya's heart. His loyal nature was easy to admire, but it was his unwavering, determined heart that took hold of Minya's devotion. During the time that Doma rested in the hands of the Empire, Minya made a heartfelt promise to her new found friend that she would do ANYTHING to help him win back his rightful place in home and on throne. Partaking in many bloody battles and standing together against uneven odds, Minya has developed a deep bond and trust for Kai. She is extremely loyal to him, and in her eyes, he is truly a ray of everlasting light. A cherished ally and a role-model, this Auran Emperor will remain VERY special to Minya for as long as she lives.

( aka East )

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Trustworthy, intelligent, kind hearted, and humorous, this Scion is one of Minya's most trusted and cherished friends. Ever the loyalist, East has made a promise to stay by Minya's side and see this journey through to it's end. The two are like peas in a pod, one is never without the other. You could even say they are like brother and sister, especially after you've seen the way they tease and bicker to one another. They make a very good traveling duo, both have adventurous hearts that harbor desires to see the world and all it's wonders; it's something they can always nerd out about together. One thing is for certain, both would go to the ends of the universe of one another, making sure they crawl out victorious... together.

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Scholarly, visionary, welcoming and devoted Alphard is a dear friend in Minya's eyes. His loyalty to his friends knows no bounds— and although he is terrified of most battles— nothing will stop him from being there for his friends. Minya admires his intelligence and is constantly warmed by his gentle, welcoming personality.

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Adventurous, witty, versatile and confident, Yasu Hagane is a very special friend to Minya. The two met during their time in the Maelstrom together. Both have similar personalities which often clash and cause them to bicker. They instigate one another for mutual amusement that ends in desired play fighting. Though despite their competitive natures, Yasu and Minya work incredibly well together in battle. With Minya's strength and Yasu's agility, they most certainly form a balanced duo.

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Stern, stoic, genuine and sarcastic, Valka is of great importance to Minya. Ever crossing each others path, the duo did not become close till Minya returned to the Source in Shadowbringers. When Valka became tempered, Minya made their bond known and vowed to bring Valka back to her senses; doing so drove them even closer. In Endwalker, Valka displayed her admiration and devotion to Minya by fighting alongside her during the march to Garlemald and by following her to the ends of the universe. They prove to be a very trusting duo and will always support each other when times become dark and full of despair.

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Determined, kind, haunted and scholarly, Mahrix is Minya's most recent new friend! Tasked with healing Minya's enormous wound from her challenge with Zenos, Mahrix and Minya have grown to enjoy each other's company outside of doctor's appointments. Minya is in awe at how intelligent and powerful Mahrix is, not to mention how intrigued she is by her deep, dark dynamis. One day, Minya hopes to hire her for an adventuring excursion, after all, what is a tank without a healer!

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Headstrong, loyal, kind hearted and determined, Claude Greyson has become someone of great importance to Minya. He is Etheirys's new Warrior of Light who is well trusted and respected in Minya's heart. She will go the distance for him and knows without a doubt he will do the same for her... and for the people of their star. Within the short amount of time the have known each other, they have fought in many trying battles side by side— and with Claude vowing his protection to Rand— Minya's confidence in him continues to skyrocket.

Below are multiple references for Minya including her voice claim, scars and 360s for drawing purposes!

For her voice claim I use Olivia Morgan as Mary Read / James Kidd from Assassins Creed: Black Flag.




Deep in the sandy canyons of Gyr Abania, just below a bountiful waterfall in The Peaks, resides the small village of Ala Gannha; this settlement is home to the Kanza clan. Once thriving citizens in the capital of Ala Mhigo, the Kanza's have since migrated west and built their own homes out of the mountain walls.Though their clan used to be one of the most populated in all of Gyr Abania, their numbers have since thinned over the years due to Garlean oppression. Currently, a large amount of Kanza's still reside in Ala Gannha and gladly offer their home to the resistance as a resting camp.Known for being great, unwavering warriors of their village, the Kanza’s are often found hunting and protecting their people. Throughout history, the Kanza’s have possessed the soul of the Monk. Though they typically enjoy sticking to tradition, some of the Kanza’s come to wield a sword, dual daggers or an abnormally large battle axe, due to their known strength passed down through their genetic lineage.At the head of the Kanza clan rests the matriarchs. The women of the Kanza’s are held in high regards and are the leaders of the family in war and in home.After her first bleed, a girl begins her development into womanhood. Facing approximately five trials spread across a week, and after they are deemed victorious, they are then gifted a white facial tattoos, these tattoos are called “the mark of the soul”.The five trials a Kanza woman must take consists of hunting, Monk training, surviving a night alone, conquering the Temple of the Fist, and defeating the head matriarch of their family in __both__ hand to hand and weapon skill combat. After the week is over and the trials are executed efficiently, the girl will then wait for the next cloudless day to receive her soul mark.The Mark of The Soul is a very important day for a girl of Kanza blood. Underneath the sunlit waterfall, she will sit in the babbling brook whilst her matriarch tattoos her inner soul upon her face. No tattoos are the same, for this is a unique marking brought out by your personality and fighting style you have displayed over the trial week.For example:

A slash across the nose means this woman showed exceptional strength, determination, and growth. The comma upon her forehead tells you this girl is emotionally driven rather than logically and rushes into situations "head-on".Another example:

This woman prefers to fight with two blades, the mark that drags from underneath her eye represents her stealth and curves towards the side her mouth, signifying her lethal nature. The dagger underneath that scales across her cheek and points to her nose represents her shy, stoic personality that is hidden and often overlooked by her deadly fighting style.The only Kanza who has not executed her trials in full was that of Minya Kanza. Growing up in Lower La Noscea, Minya could not face her Kanza matriarch for the final trial, nor could she conquer the Temple of The Fist . Nashoba Kanza ( her grandmother ) still lives in Ala Gannha and has not had the chance to meet her granddaughter.However, Minya Kanza was deemed a grown woman worthy of Kanza tattoos by her father, Kuruk, who witnessed Minya’s trials personally at the age of twelve. She was able to complete some sort of Monk training ( albeit not the best ) from her father, she hunted and she survived a night in the wild alone.Kanza men are not supposed to tattoo their women, however— because of the fact that Minya had no motherly figure to call her own— Kuruk took it upon himself to continue family tradition and mark his daughter as a full fledged Kanza. Due to this fact, Nashoba has shunned Kuruk and banished him from coming back to the village.Kanza men are also gifted the Mark of The Soul, however for them, they only receive their mark after defeating their patriarch in hand to hand combat starting at age ten; this process could take several years if the boy is unsuccessful. For Kuruk Kanza, it took him till age nineteen, and as for his younger brother Kwahu, he received his prominent markings at age fourteen.Since the women are capable of handling the family’s situations, the men are often found farming, hunting and battling as back up with their women who lead the charge.


( you can also call me Min or Minya idc!! )

· 28

Hey everyone ! I'm the one behind it all! I started playing this game back in 2016 for a friend I met through Dragon Age online ( who I am still playing with today ). I think it was around the time when Heavensward just came out? I didn't catch up to everyone till about 3.3 which was The Final Steps of Faith, so I have seen quite a lot!I would love to extend my hand any time and help if I can, I would love to make friends with each and every one of you— and not to mention— meet your amazing WoLs bc I instantly LOVE THEM ALL!Thank you for taking the time to view my carrd and learn about my Minya, it means the world to me, from the bottom of my heart! ♥

WHERE TO ROLEPLAYYou can always find me on my home world server, Chaos, Moogle ( or I can come to you whatever works ). I'd say I am "walk up friendly" but if you catch me, it would be better if you send me a tell asking if I am free for roleplay.I am also a literate roleplayer and enjoy writing in the form of descriptive paragraphs. I usually do that on discord, so if you wanna write, I am always up for it; shoot me a DM!

I mostly touch on my WoL!Minya seeing as I write her that way within the lore I share with my FC. But I am not opposed to being non!WoL Minya — after all — she was given this title, she was not the original we see at the beginning of ARR nor does she possess the blessing of light. If you wish to play WoL just let me know before hand and we can work something out together.
II. God Modding
Please no god modding, I will stop the rp if I see you controlling my character in any way, shape or form.
III. Literacy
If we choose to rp on Discord, this rule applies to it. I’m an advanced literate roleplayer, sometimes I can get very lengthy so I usually call myself novella. I will not do anything with asterisks or small paragraphs because that gives me nothing to go off of. UNLESS we have agreed to back and forth / banter. Please provide at least 3 full paragraphs when writing with me literately.
IV. Shipping
I am an adult, I will NOT ship with an admin who is below the age of 18. I will also NOT ship with a character who is considered a minor to my muse. Currently, the only character I will write a ship with is anyone who writes as Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn. Elle Fointeaume is a character Minya is involved with in my current FC lore — anyone besides those two — I will turn down a ship unfortunately.
V. Warnings
Gore, dark, demonic, cursing, and harsh themes may occur in roleplays and independent writings. If you have any of those triggers consider not rping with me.
VI. Reply Times
Since I am an adult please know I work a job, I work Monday— Wednesday and tend to not reply as fast through those days ( unless we are not busy ). Usually I like to take time to myself and off my phone so please respect that and don’t blow me up if I don’t answer.
Since 2020's quarantine, my motivation for writing has decreased, thus my replies will be scarce till I am able to muster up the motivation to type a reply. Please be patient with me but I WILL reply, just not as quickly as I used to be.VII. Copy Right
Please do NOT steal my edits, my character, captions, lore, or any roleplays to use as your own. I will be happy to provide editing help such as giving you overlays and small tutorials on how I do my editing. If you take inspiration from me please credit me but do NOT copy everything from me. Minya Kanza is of my own creation and if you steal her you’re pretty much a terrible person and have no sense of creativity.





This com was turned into a charm!